Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Entomology lab reflection essay

Throughout a few weeks in September 2014, as a class the advanced forensics class observed the different changes a pig shoulder underwent when placed in the open; including which insects were found and the changes in appearance of the pig shoulder. The goal was to analyze the decomposition of this pig shoulder, by using entomology. 
As we continued to go outside and view the pig shoulder, it was very noticeable that decomposition was occurring rather normally. For the first few days, besides different insects being present there were no real signs of decomposition occurring. The pig shoulder appeared to be the same as it had been when put on the ground. However around September 10th the meat was starting to dry out as insects began covering it and eating at the flesh. Eventually the flesh in some parts of the shoulder were getting eaten completely By September 14th the shoulder was fully starting to decompose and was growing smaller which is a clear sign of decomposition taking place. Over time the shoulder began to change colors in certain spots, lost flesh, and overall grew smaller; showing exactly what we were looking for. Insects were found all over the pig shoulders as early as the first day we placed the shoulder on the ground, and the major insects found were common flies, maggots and bee's. Some of the maggots were even collected to examine. 
Although not every single piece of information needed to determine the PMI and ADH was collected, enough was so that an assumption could be made which is what happens in most realistic cases. By studying the results we collected on the various days, it was easy to see that everything was taken pretty accurately. Compared to the published data, my results were very similar. As the days went on, the temperature of the pig shoulder decreased as is shown in the published data table. The developmental stages of the insects depends on the amount of hours since the death and so when we collected the maggots it was clear that they werent very far developed which helped show the PMI wasn't very long ago; which was accurate. Considering the data collected in my own notes was very similar to that in the published data, it can be assumed it was pretty accurate. 
Although not every single case can use it, entomology can be extremely useful in murder cases. By seeing which insects are found on a body, and by figuring out which developmental stage these insects are an entomologist can actually figure out when the person was killed. Some cases would go forever unsolved if forensic entomologists werent there to help out. Insects provide accurate information, and should be used as more as a crime solving tool in the world. Too many cases are never solved because bodies were left unnoticed for large amounts of time and when finally found nobody is able to figure out when the person died and therefore the case is almost just tossed aside for more recent ones. By using entomology as a legitimate crime solving tool crimes can be solved, the deceased can have justice and criminals if still alive can finally get what they deserve.
The entomology lab that my class completed showed exactly how important insects actually are to a crime. They aren't the most pleasant thing to look at, but insects such as maggots can actually provide a ton of information for investigators. Bugs are found on every single decomposing body unless certain factors alter it for some reason, and these bugs can always provide when the person died as long as the information is read correctly. Crimes are being solved because of bugs, and this lab just goes to show exactly how much of an impact entomology actually has on forensics. 

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