Sunday, September 21, 2014

Entomology Lab Observations

Leiandra Wilson

    When we first brought out the pork shoulder and set everything up flies were already attracted to the smell, blow flies especially and even a bee. The meat was a tannish pinkish color and the skin was still on it. The next day we went out for observation, more flies were present on the meat and maggot eggs were present. The skin had come off the meat making it a reddish color. There was even a dead rat at the scene. Each time we went out for observation something about the pork shoulder had changed. As the days went on it turned a dark red almost black color, the maggots grew and maggot masses were present. My fellow classmates had said it began to smell at the scene...thank god for stuffy noses! The last time we went out to check out the shoulder you could see the bone and the maggots were even larger. I am curious to see what will be seen the next time we go down to the scene.

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