Wednesday, October 22, 2014

JFK Questions

1. From the video, I was able to see just how important the finding of bullets/casings are to cases including firearms. 2 out of the 3 bullets fired were located along with the weapon were found, yet so much more information was later found just from close examination. I learned that even without all of the evidence, alot of information can be determined about a specific crime. However I also learned that although information may be found, in some cases there are key pieces of evidence and information that will never be found due to different restrictions such as death or conspiracies.
2. In this video one of the techniques they used was a specific gel and soap to shoot test bullets from the specific weapon found to have been used in this case to see exactly how it would have worked when fired into a human body. By doing this the investigators were able to see that when inside the soap & gel the bullet traveled perfectly straight by began to spin around and become unstable once leaving the soap & gel. This was later decided to be a main reason that both the president and one of the governors were hit, and the governor in such random spots.
3. Based off the science that was shown in the video, I would believe that the whole entire case wasnt approached correctly the entire time so it caused the investigators to have to go retrace their footsteps on more then one occasion. Although the shooter may have been very smart in the way that he/she did the shooting they still left enough evidence that if examined correctly right off the bat instead of years later could have proven their guilt.

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